Picture Books

Part of the visual narrative course, where an assignment involved creating a story within 5 frames, I initially struggled with coming up with a story, but finally managed to so.

The brief was to pick up five natural and five manmade objects and create a story around them. They had to be two different stories and without text, had to convey what was happening.

My initial attempts were not even close to being successful, but gradually things looked up. The assignment stopped at making just the frames, but I was keen to take it forward, so I developed them into printed picture books. Thats what I think does a little bit of justice to a story!

Here are my final frames of my stories.

The man-made object story is titled ‘Why is Paula Scared’ and is the story of a young girl who is haunted by her imagination but is also surprised by it!.

The natural objects story is titled ‘Trees of Life’ and is an attempt to tell one how time can change things for anyone.

Here are how the final books looked like. They were a joy to make. Printed to line textured yellow paper, 170 GSM.

Oh what fun! and what joy!

Colour for this chappal: Pale shades of watercolours!

Damini & Akshay

Weddings are always fun things! And there was a wedding in the family recently and due to ‘my busy college schedule’ I was unable to make it.

The person who was getting married was my sister’s husband’s sister (it sounds distant, but is very close) and she is one of the coolest persons I know! Her husband is equally fun and genius-ey. (If thats a word) 😀

For them, I had decided earlier itself that I would make a nameplate, I wanted to give the printing bit a shot as well as see how I could challenge myself to this task. I decided to go in for a Bollywood Theme for this, because they are fun and colourful people!

I wanted to explore the idea of lettering myself and giving it a feel of a movie name. Due to time constraints, I wasn’t able to do the practical application of this exercise, but did a digital rendering of the same.

The final design was printed on an A3 thick, glossy card sheet (300 GSM), cut into its size, laminated with a matt finished and framed with a black wooden border. This effect made it look exactly how I wanted it too, not bold and yet bot too subtle.

A pretty cool end project and a wonderful learning experience!

Photographs of the actual nameplate

Ma, holding the nameplate! 

My best wishes to the newest funnest couple! Have a suppperrrrbb time!

Colour for this chappal: Yellow , red and blue!